Saturday, May 12, 2012

Not my first

Mother's Day is tomorrow. People look at me and smile and say, "Oh, how sweet...your first Mother's Day!" I smile and nod and gush about how I think that is just the sweetest thing too. But I want to yell and tell them how it is not sweet, it is not my first. My sweetest oldest is invisible to the the world...forgotten or unknown to most. He is the reason I am a mother. His precious 8lb 10oz soul made me one two short years ago. I hate that I have to pretend that he never makes my skin crawl...makes me sick to my core. What mother should ever have to dismiss her child's very existence? I do and it makes me so so angry. The people who count in my life will remember him and give me an extra squeeze tomorrow, but I am realizing more than ever that the world doesn't want to know about Andrew. There isn't room in polite society for dead babies. No one wants to hear such a sad story. I know my place and I rarely rarely bring him up to people who don't know (hence the smiling, nodding, gushing) but sometime it just makes me angry. Sweet, oldest baby...thank you for being my boy. Thank you for staying with me for as long as you could. Thank you for still hanging around in my dreams. Your soul is forever wrapped up in mine and I'll never never forget you. Even when I say for the thousandth time that Thomas is my and I know different and I know you wouldn't mind my lie. I love you bitty boy.


  1. Beautiful. Remembering the boy who made you a mother as well as your sweet rainbow baby.

  2. Happy 2nd Mother's Day to you. Hugs.

  3. Oops...can't do math :( Happy 3RD Mommies Day!!!!

  4. Saw your pumpkin pics tonight of Thomas and it made me think of Drew. Came here to read. I read several entries as I haven't been here in a while. They all touch my heart. This one inparticular hit home. It is like reading my own thoughts and feelings. Just wanted to send you my love. Both of your beautiful boys have a beautiful Mommy in both body and soul.
